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    Marcus Adolfsson's Avatar
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    271 Posts
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    Icon A5 Owner & Pilot
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    Joined Oct 2020
    St Petersburg, FL

    SB: Rudder Pedal Cable Chafing (SB-050224-A)

    SB: Rudder Pedal Cable Chafing (SB-050224-A)

    It has been identified that there may be potential for chafing of the rudder pedal cables when the pedals
    are in the aftmost position. Inspect for chafing between the rudder pedal cables and the floorboards and/or floorboard retainer bracket; trim parts to alleviate chafing as applicable. This is mandatory.

    S/N: 00001-00062, 00064-00083, 00085-00100, 00102-00163, 00165-00184, 00186-00190, 00192, 00194-00198, 00199, 00201, 00204, 00205

    TIME OF COMPLIANCE: Inspect before next flight. If inspection fails, aircraft may only be flown in a non-interference configuration until repair; re-inspection is required before each flight. Repair (if applicable) no later than next condition (annual/100-hr) inspection.
    St Petersburg, FL - N1BA #140 Icon G3x & N329MC Phenom 300

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