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    Michael Himes's Avatar
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    Salt water corrosion protection

    I have noticed several here and other sites state their A5s have salt water corrosion protection. Was that an add-on done by a service provider after purchase - or an option on your plane that was factory-done pre-purchase? What was the process and product used to complete the protection?

    I've only flown my into salt once - and have avoided doing that again because of the rinse down required afterwards and the warning I was given that even with the use of Salt-Away before the rinse down there would possibly be some corrosion with repeated salt water exposure.
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    Marcus Adolfsson's Avatar
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    Both - they reapply it annually at the service center. I land it quite often in salt water and just rinse it off with fresh water. The KTPF facility does extensive salt water ops.
    St Petersburg, FL - N1BA #140 Icon G3x & N329MC Phenom 300
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    Michael Himes's Avatar
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    My only "salt day" was flying out of Peter O. But Marcus do you know what exactly they do in the procedure. Is it basically coating any aluminum parts that they can get to with the Alodine 1132 ?
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    Marcus Adolfsson's Avatar
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    Chapter 4-8 of the AMM has the Corrosion Inhibitor Application tasks

    After aircraft has been rinsed, an application of a water-displacing, corrosion inhibiting oil such as Corrosion Zero, LPS 3®, or CRC Marine Heavy Duty™ can be used.

    Task Instructions
    1. Apply corrosion inhibiting oil liberally to the metal parts of the aircraft.
    2. After application, wipe away any excess oil with a rag or paper towel.
    3. Use the list below as an application guide.
    a. Nose gear fork and steering pivot assembly
    b. Nose gear aft door retraction linkages
    c. Nose gear self-centering gas spring and cam
    d. Nose gear retraction bellcrank and drag link
    e. Nose gear leg pivot, forward door pivot, and spring
    f. Main gear axle and brake caliper
    Do not apply oil to the brake disk or pads.
    g. Water rudder hinge, sector, and retraction cable
    h. Air rudder lower hinge and drive lugs
    i. All HT tip joint metal parts
    j. All wing fold metal parts
    k. Canopy latch
    St Petersburg, FL - N1BA #140 Icon G3x & N329MC Phenom 300
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    Gabriel Silverstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Himes View Post
    Was that an add-on done by a service provider after purchase - or an option on your plane that was factory-done pre-purchase? What was the process and product used to complete the protection?
    To expand on Marcus' "both" answer, I had ours initially coated by the factory before taking delivery, but could have had it done by someone else, too, if I had wanted to. I don't even know if Icon did it or had an outside vendor do it. If continuing regular salt water (or even salt water adjacent/proximate) operations it is recommended to be re-done each year. I want to say it was about $2500(?) for the initial maybe but it's been a few years (for both the pricing and my memory of it!). I assume most maintenance shops can do it, but if they don't on a regular basis, the pricing may vary a lot for someone who isn't efficient at it. I would want to do it with the annual if I were doing it on an ongoing basis, especially as that makes more parts easier to access without extra work, so probably saves both time and money as well compared to doing it separate from the annual.

    We soon moved our Icon inland to an environment it no longer needs it, but while we had it island based we also did the Salt Away wash every time we had it actually in salt water, as there is a lot more than the specifically coated metal parts that benefits from that.
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    Michael Himes's Avatar
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    Okay - I thought there was something more extensive that was being done. Local A&P thought everyone was using Alodine 1132 to coat all exposed metal you could get to. I had two pens of the stuff left from the rudder cable chafing SB and they were asking if I wanted to use the remainder to do that.
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    Marcus Adolfsson's Avatar
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    I found my Corrosion Inhibitor Application MRA, it has pretty specific recommendations.

    Corrosion Inhibitor Application.pdf
    St Petersburg, FL - N1BA #140 Icon G3x & N329MC Phenom 300

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