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    Michel Gadbois's Avatar
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    Kingston, TN

    2025 Seaplane Pilots Association Calendar PICTURES NEEDED

    Hello fellow Icon owners and flyers,

    I personally am tired of receiving my SPA calendar and seeing multiple pictures of pontoon planes, Searey kit planes and year after year, NO Icons. I challenged Steve McAuley on this at SnF 24 and he claimed the reason the MOST BEAUTIFUL aircraft design in 25 years (my words, not his) has been snubbed by the calendar was the lack of good pictures submitted. I just sent 5 and I encourage as many of you as possible to do the same. If I see another SPA calendar without at least one Icon picture I will not be a happy camper. Please help me in rectifying this incongruous and bewildering situation.

    Here is the link to submit photos.


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