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09-16-2024, 10:04 PM
Nose gear extension failure
I'm adding a fuse puller/checker to my list of gadgets needed to be readily accessed. Landing a couple of weeks ago, I wound up pushing the carbon fiber nose down the runway and onto the grass. My immediate assumption was that the nose gear had collapsed, but it appears that the nose gear actuator blew the fuse upon retraction after takeoff. I was distracted by the engine/land plane annunciator coming on and failed to check that the indicator had transitioned from intransit to down. The light on the fuse had failed by the time of the landing, and if I had tried to determine which gear was not locked, it would have meant pulling a fuse to check for blown or not blown and knowing my tendencies, I would have dropped the fuse if I had pulled it to check. The little puller I bought from Auto Zone should allow me to check the fuse and pull it with less tendency to drop it. Now to deal with the actuator, 2 gear doors and a hole in the forward hull as well as what's causing repeated engine light indications. Bummer!
09-17-2024, 06:47 AM #2
That sucks Charles. Thanks for the info. Not sure why fuses were used instead of breakers. How many hours on the plane?
09-18-2024, 09:10 AM #3
Sorry to hear that happened to you. I had a similar instance several months ago while ramping. Just before the nose was going to contact the concrete ramp I noticed my gear showed unsafe. Luckily I had enough rudder authority available to quickly turn out from the ramp before contact and replace the fuse (twice) in order to get safe gear indication.
Fuse puller is a nice idea. Now if I had a neck like an owl to be able to turn around and see the little bugger! -
09-18-2024, 09:21 AM #4
Great Lakes Icon does hull repair. Check them out.
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