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    Michael Himes's Avatar
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    Weight & Balance

    I'm doing an updated zero fuel W&B today. I have always asked that it be done during my annuals - and everyone seems "forget" to do it and tells me "nah - you don't need that".

    Anyway, I was surprised to find that my right landing gear is showing about 36 lbs more on it than the left. We thought it might be inaccuracy of the scales but swapping the scales from under the MLG made no difference.

    I would assume that they have the right side a bit heavier to keep the roll left tendency down in solo flight?

    Just wondering if anybody else has noticed this on their bird.
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    Michel Gadbois's Avatar
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    yes, the parachute is on the passenger side. It weighs 35 pounds. Your ailerons should be trimmed accordingly
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    Michael Himes's Avatar
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    Yah, battery is on that side as well. Just didn't expect THAT much of a difference between MLG weights.

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